

Personal clinical case

L3 role

Morphologicals types


L3 Muscles

Clinical application



First of all, it is obvious that human beings need to be accustomed from youth to the dynamic attitude, to rehabilitate those who lost it.

  • A high sacrum will relieve the constraints brought by the weight of the body to the level of coxo-femoral articles.
  • Low lumbar kyphosis at effort will relieve the posterior articular stresses giving to L4-L5-S1 a more static than dynamic function, will avoid the lumbagos and slipped discs.

  • A correct use of abdomen muscles will suppress the frequent pubalgies or the pain in supply main muscles of foot-ball/ socker players as well a torn abdominal muscles.
  • A synergic work of the pelvi-trocanterians and ilio-psoas muscles will allow a better use of the lower limbs muscular chains.
  • A well erected chest with flatbelly and free breathing will be used as point of support of the cervical rachis erection which will move without any constraint.

Diseases concerning more particularly flat backs which have difficulty in using L3 correctly. Most of them are female backs but we can find them among champions.

  • Scoliosis :I only speak about scoliosis coming from an antalgic attitude. They are, statistically equal between boys and girls at five years of age and 80% for girls at puberty.
    In mechanical medecine, we know that any slide slope of 20° involves an automatic rotation of the vertebral bodies of 1° for the lumbars, 3° for the dorsals and 5° for the cervicals. This could be an explanation of this deformation whatever the origin of this antalgic attitude.
    The least frequency in children being due to practicing more sport or to the transformation of a flat back to a curved back .

  • Schauerman's disease : It is a kyphosis presenting lesions at intervertebral disc level ( intraspongy hernias, anterior lipping of vertebral bodies ) . As curved backs do not generally present this disease, why would not this be consequence of an intervertebral disc compression of a flat back refusing to scoliose during its growth ?.
  • Inversion of cervical curve coming generally from a fixed high lumbar kyphosis.
  • Premature wear of L5-S1 disc.
  • Disease concerning more particularly backs with curves : they use in a better way L3 function but are always triburitary to a correct delordosing of the lumbar muscular system ( interest in the streching of the lumbar area muscular system ).



Personal clinical case

L3 role

Morphologicals types


L3 Muscles

Clinical application

