

Personal clinical case

L3 role

Morphologicals types


L3 Muscles

Clinical application



There are two types of back : backs with curves and flat backs with, of course, all intermediaries.
In building mechanics the resistance of a column presenting curves is proportionnal to the squared number of the curves plus one.
Therefore a back with curves ( three in the human being) is ten times more resistant in thrust than a flat back.
Thus, the management of the dynamic attitude will be eaisier for backs with curves than for flat backs.
Though Professor Delmas calls the flat back( adynamic rachis) and the back with curves ( dynamic rachis) it should be noticed that all kinds of back are found in high level sportsmen.
In the practice of sports, it is interesting for the teacher to note this difference in his pupils, the flat back having a developed leg movement will not need to seek a support to start a kick to a ball and will be consequently a good football center forward or a rugby.fly half.

He will also be a fast runner during the twenty first meters but will be unable to have a higher speed. He will be more a disc launcher than a javelin one, a high jumper of ventral style than a Foxburry one. He will be a bad tennis server, more ground player than volleyer.

A back with curves, able to auto-erect, develops some power in axial pushing but risks to have some problem with his leg movement if it does not stretch to maximum his lumbar muscular system.

The examples can be multiplied but in any case a better comprehension of the young sportsman's muscular system, will allow him to better locate their natural aptitudes.

Apart from the sportsmen where the sacrum is always in prolongation with the rachis, I draw the therapeutist's attention to the fact that the flat back is accompanied among people who suffer of an excessive camber not due to a lumbar hyperlordosis but to an abnormally horizontalized sacrum.

In the opposite diagram I show the possibility to instigate the work of L3 of a flat back via the front imbalance which starts a solid postural reflex, used as point of support for the movement muscles.





Personal clinical case

L3 role

Morphologicals types


L3 Muscles

Clinical application

